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  • Community Building

  • Strategizing

  • Political Building

  • Know Your Rights

Why We Must Organize

We have double the unemployment rate as the white community. We are disproportionally represented in the types of jobs that have low wages and no benefits. Black communities continue to be overlooked when it comes to the economic development. this means it is harder for us to find good paying jobs close to where we live. Black people have had the highest unionized rates and the attack on unions is an attack on us. Black people with the same work experience and degrees are less likely to get a job even when their white peers have felonies. Join Us!




To eliminate Black poverty by increasing access to quality jobs, improving the quality of jobs in those industries that employ Black Workers, and reducing employment discrimination against Black Workers.



The East Bay Urban Alliance seeks to promote economic and racial justice, peace and prosperity for the Bay Area by eliminating poverty, wage theft, providing access to livable wage jobs and developing policies & corporate practices that perpetuate equality in the labor market.


Working to develop strategies to build grassroots movement in the Bay Area

The EBUA develops organized power and authentic grassroots leadership among Black Workers (unionized, nonunion, immigrant, formerly incarcerated, youth, and the unemployed) and the extended community.


The center's key strategies are leadership development of workers, research, organizing, and building strategic alliances between the Bay Area labor movement and the Black Community.


We have spoken to over 500 people in the Bay Area who have expressed that having a criminal record is one of the biggest barriers to finding and keeping a job.



Bay Area Residents Stated:

"There is not enough availability in the workforce when you are Black".

"I don't want to settle for a job that doesn't pay well."

"We (Black people) need more unity to succeed."

The East Bay Urban Alliance unites Black workers to fight to improve workers rights and the quality of jobs for the black community



The Jobs for Freedom Initiative provides needed solutions to the employment barriers formerly incarcerated residents face in our county. The goal of the initiative is to develop a pipeline for a minimum of 1,400 formerly incarcerated residents in Alameda County and provide an opportunity to obtain livable wage jobs. The initiative utilizes a best practice model to provide leadership development, reduction of employment barriers and court advocacy for participants that have continued contact with the criminal justice system.

With Gentrification happening at an alarming rate throughout Oakland, Local Hire is a very important campaign that focuses on making sure that as new business developments go up, they don't suck the resources out but local residence actually benefit from those developments by organizing to creating jobs and opportunities for people that historically come from and live in those communities.



Northstar is a program of the East Bay Urban Alliance that will support black workers by providing vital services to help them navigate through the re-entry process. We observed that mentorship and court advocacy were missing pieces as folks struggled to re-acclimate back into society. Although our organization primarily focuses on grassroots organizing, we believe that providing these services will help to support our efforts.


Next Round Kids is a program of East Bay Urban Alliance that exists to empower families by providing free clothing to families and building a network of support that will help bridge the economic gaps in our families and community



Throughout the course of the last three years, Oakland members have been organizing and fighting for justice and equity for Black Workers. As our primary campaigns Local Hire and 1400 Jobs continue to flourish, we have seen significant growth and movement in membership. EBUA has also experienced wins in our campaigns and moved to change the narrative regarding formerly incarcerated workers and Black Workers as a whole.


San Francisco

We have expanded to San Francisco!

East Bay Urban Alliance San Francisco is organizing and mobilizing Black Workers to better the quality of jobs and overall life for Black people in SF. Our hope is to build a base to organize around issues that affect the Black Workers in the community in and out of the workplace.


We will be hosting listening sessions with members and passing out surveys to gather information on issues affecting Black workers in San Francisco.




East Bay Urban Alliance

1410 10th Ave.

Oakland, CA 94606

Suite B



Office hours

Monday - Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm

Next Round Kids

Hours of Operation

Thursdays. 12:00pm - 7:00-pm

2nd Saturdays 10:00am - 2:00pm

Monday, Tuesday, 10:00 am - 4:00pm

Thursday & Friday By Appointment Only

**Hours are subject to change, call/ email to confirm




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